There are areas in your home that serve an obvious purpose, such as the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dining room and living room. What about those little nooks or rooms that don't have a clear functionality? When visiting an empty home, potential buyers could possibly get overwhelmed at the amount of space and what they would do with each area.
As a home stager, we can provide functionality to these areas! By creating a coffee corner or mini bar in an oddly shaped kitchen nook, adding a reading chair to the corner of a room, sectioning off open floor plans, or adding home office areas to those weirdly shaped rooms, home stagers can create use for spaces that potential buyers may not be able to envision on their own.
Home staging makes a property look its best, giving buyers the opportunity to imagine living in the space and creating an emotional connection instead of just seeing empty spaces.
Easy ideas for creating functionality out of spaces in your home:
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